Zarr Import API


Zarr Import API (or shortly "Zarr") enables you to import your own Zarr data in Sentinel Hub and access it just like any other data when some conditions are met.

These are:

  • Store your raster data in the Zarr format on your own S3 bucket in the supported region.
  • Zarr data must conform to Sentinel Hub data constraints.
  • Configure the bucket's permissions so that Sentinel Hub can read them.

Data constraints

Since Zarr is a generic data format, there are additional constraints in order to ingest the data to Sentinel Hub:

  • Data must be stored as a single Zarr group that contains coordinate arrays and data arrays.
  • Data array names should be valid JavaScript identifiers so they can be safely used in evalscripts; valid identifiers are case-sensitive, can contain Unicode letters, $, _, and digits (0-9), but may not start with a digit, and should not be one of the reserved JavaScript keywords.
  • Data arrays must have two or three dimensions. There must be exactly two spatial coordinate arrays, named either x and y or lat and lon, and an optional time coordinate array.
  • Data arrays must be stored in row-major order ("order": "C", i.e., the last dimension varies fastest). The ordering of the dimensions has to be [time, lat, lon] or [time, y, x] for 3 dimensional data, and [lat, lon] or [y, x] for 2 dimensional data.
  • All data, including the spatial and the optional time coordinate arrays, must consist of 32-bit or 64-bit integers and floats (Zarr data types u4, i4, i8, f4, f8).
  • The chunk size in the two spatial dimensions must be less than or equal to 3072, but does not need to be the same for all data arrays.
  • For 3 dimensional data:
    • the time array must include the units attribute in its zattrs, which has to be in the format <unit> since <instant>. Where supported units are days/hours/minutes/seconds/millis/micros/nanos and instant should either be in the format ISO8601 or should follow the definition of the time:units field of the CF time coordinate convention. As an example, unix epoch could be encoded as seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00,
    • the chunk size in time dimension must be the same for all data arrays and must be less than or equal to 50.
  • Data must not cross any of the two poles.
  • Data must use an equidistant spatial grid, that is, the two spatial coordinate arrays must be equidistant. The time coordinate array can be non-equidistant.
  • The projection needs to be one of: WGS84 (EPSG:4326), WebMercator (EPGS:3857), any UTM zone (EPSG:32601-32660, 32701-32760), or Europe LAEA (EPSG:3035).
  • Subgroups within the Zarr group will be ignored, but may be ingested separately.

Please refer to Zarr specification for explanation of various Zarr format properties.

Zarr Deployment

Zarr is available on AWS (2 regions) and CreoDIAS. The Zarr Import API endpoint depends on the chosen deployment as specified in the table below. Note that the bucket where data is stored MUST be in the same region as the endpoint region you will use.

Zarr deploymentZarr URL end-point
AWS EU (Frankfurt)
AWS US (Oregon)

AWS bucket settings

Bucket region

The bucket containing your Zarr data needs to be in the same region as the Zarr deployment you will use, that is, either eu-central-1 when using EU region (Frankfurt), us-west-2 when using US region (Oregon) or creodias for CreoDIAS.

Bucket settings

In the same way as for other APIs, your AWS bucket needs to be configured to allow access from Sentinel Hub. To do this, update your bucket policy to include the following statement (don't forget to replace <bucket_name> with your actual bucket name):

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Sentinel Hub permissions",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::614251495211:root"
"Action": [
"Resource": [

Creating Zarr collections

Each Zarr collection will correspond to a single Zarr group. When creating a collection, you need to provide:

  • the S3 bucket where you data is located,
  • the path in the bucket where the Zarr group resides, that is, the directory containing the .zgroup file,
  • the CRS in which your data is defined,
  • a name for the collection.

Ingesting the arrays

After a collection is created, the ingestion will start automatically. The service will try to ingest every data array found in the group in the given S3 bucket and path. If the Zarr data does not fulfill any of the above constraints, the ingestion will either fail entirely or the offending data arrays will be skipped.

Zarr service automatically configures collection bands named after the data arrays of the Zarr group, that is, the folder names of the arrays. For example, in a Zarr file that contains B1 and B2 array folders, the resulting arrays will be named B1 and B2.

The no data value will be read from data arrays' metadata, that is, from the fill_value property inside the array's .zarray file.

Querying ingestion status

Querying a collection will return the status of the ingestion as well as an error message if something went wrong. If the returned status is INGESTED you can start using your new zarr data with Sentinel Hub services.

Reingesting the Zarr collection

When reingesting the Zarr, the data already ingested cannot be changed, but new chunks can be added to the existing data arrays and the temporal array can be expanded accordingly.


Zarr Import API Examples