Data Fusion

Sentinel Hub (SH) allows you to combine the data from various data sources in the same request. To use this functionality you need to prepare a request with several data sources as explained below. Data fusion can be used for any data available in Sentinel Hub including PlanetScope (TPDI) and your own data (BYOC) and with all SH data-processing APIs (Process, Statistical, Batch, etc).

All SH endpoint locations support data fusion of collections hosted at that endpoint. However, only the Processing API endpoint also allows combining collections hosted at different SH endpoints, such as this example.

We invite you to read our Data Fusion blog post, where you will find 6 interesting use cases and a short guide on how to use data fusion in Sentinel Hub.

Note: Using this functionality can consume more Processing Units since it processes more data. The rules listed here apply.

Preparing a Data Fusion Request

Preparing a data fusion request is very similar to preparing any process API request that uses a single data source. Thus, only the parts which differ when performing data fusion requests are described below.

Request Body

In the body of the request, more specifically in the array, you need to add more than one data object. For each of these objects you can optionally specify the property:

  • id (optional) - a string of your choosing. It is used as an identifier for this input so that it can be referred to in the evalscript. It is not mandatory to define it but we recommend to do so, see examples below. Note that the type (e.g., "sentinel-2-l1c") is insufficient as an identifier because you may use multiple inputs from the same data collection.

An example of the array with two elements:

"input": {
"data": [
"type": "sentinel-2-l1c",
"id": "l1c",
"dataFilter": {
"timeRange": {
"from": "2018-10-01T00:00:00Z",
"to": "2018-11-01T00:00:00Z"
"mosaickingOrder": "leastRecent"
"type": "sentinel-2-l2a",
"id": "l2a",
"dataFilter": {
"timeRange": {
"from": "2018-10-01T00:00:00Z",
"to": "2018-11-01T00:00:00Z"
"mosaickingOrder": "leastRecent"

As you can see in the example above all data collection specific options are still available.



In the evalscript, under the input array in the setup function, specify all input collections. Optionally, match the id from the object of the request body to the datasource parameter of each input collection. This ensures that the correct collection will be used for input bands. For example:

function setup() {
return {
input: [
{datasource: "l2a", bands: ["SCL"], units: "DN"},
{datasource: "l1c", bands: ["B02", "B03", "B04"], units: "REFLECTANCE"}
output: [
{bands: 3, sampleType: SampleType.AUTO}

Since the datasource parameter is optional, in case you choose to omit it, the order of the input objects becomes relevant and must be the same as in the request body.

function setup() {
return {
input: [
{bands: ["B02", "B03", "B04"], units: "REFLECTANCE"}, // sentinel-2-l1c
{bands: ["SCL"], units: "DN"} // sentinel-2-l2a
output: [
{bands: 3, sampleType: SampleType.AUTO}

Specifying mosaicking for each input is also possible. Simply add the mosaicking parameter to each input object. This overrides the global mosaicking parameter which you typically use outside the input object. Combinations of both are therefore possible, and when present, the value within the input object is used. The default remains SIMPLE. In the example below, the global default SIMPLE mosaicking value is never used as ORBIT is specified for all inputs.

function setup() {
return {
input: [
{bands: ["B02", "B03", "B04"], units: "REFLECTANCE", mosaicking: "ORBIT"}, // sentinel-2-l1c
{bands: ["SCL"], units: "DN", mosaicking: "ORBIT"} // sentinel-2-l2a
output: [
{bands: 3, sampleType: SampleType.AUTO}

Data Access

Data from each collection can be accessed inside the evaluatePixel function, however as now multiple inputs are accessible the syntax is slightly different to the single data collection case. Assuming the evaluatePixel parameter is called samples, this object is always a key-value pair (dictionary). Obtain data for each collection in one of two ways.

If you are using the datasource object in your setup function, simply use its values as keys to the samples object. This gets an array of mosaicked values. Each array behaves exactly the same way as a non-datafusion non-SIMPLE mosaicking samples object. Note that this is an array even for datafusion with SIMPLE mosaicking, unlike non-datafusion requests; of course in this case the array either contains exactly one object or is empty.

If datasource was specified in setup:

function evaluatePixel(samples) {
// "l1c" and "l2a" match the datasource values specified in the setup function
var l1cMosaics = samples.l1c; // gets the array of sentinel-2-l1c mosaics
var l1cSample = l1cMosaics[0]; // gets the first mosaic. access bands from this object
var scl = samples.l2a[0].SCL; // gets the SCL band of the first sentinel-2-l2a mosaic
if (2 <= scl && scl <= 7) {
return [l1cSample.B04, l1cSample.B03, l1cSample.B02];
return [0,0,0];

If datasource wasn't specified in setup, you can access the data with keys being ordinal numbers starting with 0. Again, the order is as specified in the request body.

function evaluatePixel(samples) {
// '0' is the identifier of the first input in the array (sentinel-2-l1c)
// '1' is the identifier of the second input in the array (sentinel-2-l2a)
var l1cMosaics = samples['0']; // gets the array of mosaics of the first input (sentinel-2-l1c)
var l1cSample = l1cMosaics[0]; // gets the first mosaic. access bands from this object
var scl = samples['1'][0].SCL; // gets the SCL band of the first mosaic of the second input (sentinel-2-l2a)
if (2 <= scl && scl <= 7) {
return [l1cSample.B04, l1cSample.B03, l1cSample.B02];
return [0,0,0];

Note: While the above example works for all mosaicking types, it makes most sense for SIMPLE mosaicking. This is because only one mosaic is accessed for each input in the script, any additional mosaics, which would get generated if ORBIT or TILE mosaicking was used, are ignored.
