Catalog API

Sentinel Hub Catalog API (or shortly "Catalog") is an API implementing the STAC Specification, describing geospatial information about different data used with Sentinel Hub.

Action Required: Catalog 0.9.0 will reach End of Life

Catalog service version 0.9.0 is planned to be retired in favor of version 1.0.0. The new service contains more collections and conforms to a stable release of the STAC specification.

Migration to v1.0.0

  • The base url is changed from to
  • Replace query parameter with filter, see filter.
  • If Accept header is sent to the service with application/json it needs to be replaced with application/geo+json
  • Collections without prefix need to have byoc- prefix added, for example, 05cbb374-663a-41aa-a232-71cf010c23f0 should be changed to byoc-05cbb374-663a-41aa-a232-71cf010c23f0
  • Moved eo:bands from item properties to collection summaries.
  • Moved eo:gsd from eo extension to core gsd field in item properties.
  • All assets with s3 data are named data.
  • All assets with thumbnail data are named thumbnail.
  • Moved sentinel-1-grd item property timeliness to s1:timeliness.
  • Moved sentinel-1-grd item property resolution to s1:resolution.
  • Moved sentinel-1-grd item property polarization to s1:polarization.

API Reference

API Reference for Sentinel Hub Catalog is available as an OpenAPI description.

Simple search request for Sentinel-1 GRD with a bounding box (the coordinate reference system of the values is WGS84 longitude/latitude), available on 10th December 2019.

data = {
"bbox": [13, 45, 14, 46],
"datetime": "2019-12-10T00:00:00Z/2019-12-10T23:59:59Z",
"collections": ["sentinel-1-grd"],
"limit": 5,
url = ""
response =, json=data)


Authentication for the Catalog API works completely the same as authentication for other Sentinel Hub services, see Authentication chapter.


Executing the request specified above returns search context fields at the end of the response, looking like this:

"context": {
"next": 5,
"limit": 5,
"returned": 5

The presence of the next attribute indicates there is more data available for this query, but the server chose to only return 5 results, because the limit specified was 5 (if limit is not specified, default value is 10). To query the next page of items, our request needs to include the next attribute with its value in the query, like so:

data = {
"bbox": [13, 45, 14, 46],
"datetime": "2019-12-10T00:00:00Z/2019-12-10T23:59:59Z",
"collections": ["sentinel-1-grd"],
"limit": 5,
"next": 5,
url = ""
response =, json=data)

The response now includes the next page of items; in this case there is no next token in context, meaning no more items exist for this query.



The search endpoint by default only accepts the parameters described in OpenAPI. The Filter extension enables users to specify an additional parameter to filter on, while searching through data.

The syntax for filter is CQL2:

"filter": {
"op": "<operator>",
"args": [
"property": "<property_name>"
"filter-lang": "cql2-json"

It is also possible to use simple cql2-text:

"filter": "eo:cloud_cover > 90"

The available operators are eq, neq, lt, lte, gt, gte and between. Only and is currently supported as a logical operator. Be careful - different collections have different properties for the query filter available. The information describing this is available inside the documentation for each specific collection (ex. Sentinel-1 GRD).


By default, the search endpoint returns all the available attributes of each item. The fields extension provides a way for the client to specify which attributes should not be part of the output, making it easy for the client to not have to deal with unnecessary data.

Syntax for the fields is:

"fields": {
"include": [
"exclude": [

Include/Exclude behaviour

  • When no fields attribute is specified in the request, all the available attributes will be included in the response.
  • If the fields attribute is specified with an empty object, or both include and exclude are set to null or an empty array is returned, the attributes for each item will be as if include was set to a default set of ["id", "type", "geometry", "bbox", "links", "assets", "properties.datetime"].
  • If only include is specified, the attributes in include will be merged with the default set above.
  • If only exclude is specified, the attributes in exclude will be removed from the default set above.
  • If both include and exclude are specified, the rule is that an attribute must be included in and not excluded from the response.


Sometimes we don't want to search for product metadata, but want some general information about the product, such as for example, which acquisition dates are available for Sentinel-1 inside the specified bbox and time interval. distinct attribute inside a search request makes this possible.

Syntax for distinct attribute is:

"distinct": "<property_name>"

As with the filter attribute, distinct is also a collection limited to some specific properties. Information describing these properties can be found inside each collection's documentation (ex. Sentinel-1 GRD).