Working with metadata in evalscript
This user guide will show you how to work with metadata in evalscripts. We will focus on using objects scenes
, inputMetadata
, and outputMetadata
. Use cases, covered with the examples below, include accessing metadata and using it in processing, passing the metadata to an output file userdata.json
, and adding your own metadata to the file.
Note that metadata normally provided in raster format is available as bands in Sentinel Hub. Such metadata can be accessed and processed in evalscript in the same manner as any other input band. This is not covered in this guide, but you can find basic examples and such metadata listed in the Data
section for each data collection e.g. sunAzimuthAngles.
Each example below begins with a description that highlights the important points of the example. All examples output also processed satellite images (average values of NDVI or band B02) but we do not display them here, since the focus is on metadata. To run the examples, you only need to have Python installed on your machine and an active Sentinel Hub account. You will always need to run the code in the chapter "Authentication" while the rest of the examples can be run independently.
The jupyter notebook with all examples can be downloaded here.
First, we need to fetch an access token, which we will use to authenticate all Sentinel Hub requests. To do so, replace <client_id>
and <client_secret>
in the code snippet below with your client id and client secret, respectively and run the code. To learn how to get your client id and client secret, read this documentation.
from oauthlib.oauth2 import BackendApplicationClientfrom requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Sessionimport os, io, tarfile, json, requestsclient_id = '<client_id>'client_secret = '<client_secret>'client = BackendApplicationClient(client_id=client_id)oauth = OAuth2Session(client=client)oauth.fetch_token(token_url='',client_secret=client_secret, include_client_id=True)
{'access_token': 'eyJraWQiOiJzaCIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.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.Xl3kwL1K3sIhRCY4-6WE7MGrC6tb0d_igfKaytUfhmpzyySn2j5S_IX8B5gtO0HnKTSCcU7BY1lO1Q0dowK2FMd8bH-rgRsul5LS5TCBKTxjFn1LMS_jQDAWEu5Iuo6EmhKx7u4MK5DpuUkIPLE9faF9H-5qxJJA8vxAOXaM1Hz35n-aUNn0gKrYHWCqMlQAwwTizaHk2ueg0ONfWhuzJnIpuaj9iSYWzbFWHKVZdINJTN9O9XijaSFl6o3S2FEoxYLCfrZaYHUL8AKd0lt8DZkr1nXVUkC3FH8fLNCfPLOJIGwQboj8zjn4QDt_ahQCKkMmvvnJr36phWuQ8ZWqKQ','expires_in': 3599,'expires_at': 1621344910.501437}
The access token is stored in the oauth
object, which will be used to send all subsequent requests.
Check which metadata is available
The metadata is stored in two objects, which we call inputMetadata
and scenes
. Their properties are documented here and here, respectively. However, the properties of the scenes
object can be different depending on the selected:
- mosaicking (e.g. ORBIT or TILE),
- data collection (Sentinel-2 L2A, Sentinel-1, ...),
- function in the evalscript (
A convenient way to check which metadata is for your request available in scenes
is to dump (i.e. write) all properties of the object to userdata.json file. This can be achieved with the Processing API as shown in this basic example. The two examples below show few more tricks that can be used to explore scenes
Properties of scenes object and mosaicking ORBIT
This example shows:
- How to access metadata when mosaicking is ORBIT using
. - How to pass metadata from
to userdata.json file usingoutputMetadata.userData
url = ''evalscript = """//VERSION=3function setup() {return {input: ["B02", "dataMask"],mosaicking: Mosaicking.ORBIT,output: {id: "default",bands: 1}}}function evaluatePixel(samples, scenes, inputMetadata, customData, outputMetadata) {//Average value of band B02 based on the requested scenesvar sumOfValidSamplesB02 = 0var numberOfValidSamples = 0for (i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) {var sample = samples[i]if (sample.dataMask == 1){sumOfValidSamplesB02 += sample.B02numberOfValidSamples += 1}}return [sumOfValidSamplesB02 / numberOfValidSamples]}function updateOutputMetadata(scenes, inputMetadata, outputMetadata) {outputMetadata.userData = {"inputMetadata": inputMetadata}outputMetadata.userData["orbits"] = scenes.orbits}"""request = {"input": {"bounds": {"bbox": [13.8, 45.8, 13.9, 45.9]},"data": [{"type": "sentinel-2-l1c","dataFilter": {"timeRange": {"from": "2020-12-01T00:00:00Z","to": "2020-12-06T23:59:59Z"}}}]},"output": {"responses": [{"identifier": "default","format": {"type": "image/tiff"}},{"identifier": "userdata","format": {"type": "application/json"}}]},"evalscript": evalscript}headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json','Accept': 'application/x-tar'}response ="{url}/api/v1/process", headers=headers, json = request)tar = = json.load(tar.extractfile(tar.getmember('userdata.json')))userdata
{'inputMetadata': {'serviceVersion': '4.263.0', 'normalizationFactor': 0.0001},'orbits': [{'tiles': [{'date': '2020-12-06T10:08:08Z','shId': 15161628,'cloudCoverage': 100,'dataPath': 's3://sentinel-s2-l1c/tiles/33/T/UL/2020/12/6/0'},{'date': '2020-12-06T10:08:05Z','shId': 15161463,'cloudCoverage': 98.26,'dataPath': 's3://sentinel-s2-l1c/tiles/33/T/VL/2020/12/6/0'}],'dateTo': '2020-12-06T23:59:59Z','__idx': 0,'dateFrom': '2020-12-06T00:00:00Z'},{'tiles': [{'date': '2020-12-04T10:18:05Z','shId': 15142759,'cloudCoverage': 99.93,'dataPath': 's3://sentinel-s2-l1c/tiles/33/T/UL/2020/12/4/0'},{'date': '2020-12-04T10:17:56Z','shId': 15142728,'cloudCoverage': 98.5,'dataPath': 's3://sentinel-s2-l1c/tiles/33/T/VL/2020/12/4/0'}],'dateTo': '2020-12-04T23:59:59Z','__idx': 1,'dateFrom': '2020-12-04T00:00:00Z'},{'tiles': [{'date': '2020-12-01T10:08:10Z','shId': 15117250,'cloudCoverage': 22.85,'dataPath': 's3://sentinel-s2-l1c/tiles/33/T/UL/2020/12/1/0'},{'date': '2020-12-01T10:08:06Z','shId': 15117286,'cloudCoverage': 46.81,'dataPath': 's3://sentinel-s2-l1c/tiles/33/T/VL/2020/12/1/0'}],'dateTo': '2020-12-01T23:59:59Z','__idx': 2,'dateFrom': '2020-12-01T00:00:00Z'}]}
Properties of scenes object and mosaicking TILE
This example shows how to:
- Access scenes metadata when mosaicking is TILE using
and write it to userdata.json file. - How to calculate a maximum value of band B02 and write it to userdata.json file. Note that we use a global variable
so that we can assign a value to it inevaluatePixel
function but write its value to metadata inupdateOutputMetadata
function. The advantage of this approach is thatmaxValueB02
is written to metadata only once and not for each output pixel.
url = ''evalscript = """//VERSION=3function setup() {return {input: ["B02", "dataMask"],mosaicking: Mosaicking.TILE,output: {id: "default",bands: 1}}}var maxValueB02 = 0function evaluatePixel(samples, scenes, inputMetadata, customData, outputMetadata) {//Average value of band B02 based on the requested tilesvar sumOfValidSamplesB02 = 0var numberOfValidSamples = 0for (i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) {var sample = samples[i]if (sample.dataMask == 1){sumOfValidSamplesB02 += sample.B02numberOfValidSamples += 1if (sample.B02 > maxValueB02){maxValueB02 = sample.B02}}}return [sumOfValidSamplesB02 / numberOfValidSamples]}function updateOutputMetadata(scenes, inputMetadata, outputMetadata) {outputMetadata.userData = { "tiles": scenes.tiles }outputMetadata.userData.maxValueB02 = maxValueB02}"""request = {"input": {"bounds": {"bbox": [13.8, 45.8, 13.9, 45.9]},"data": [{"type": "sentinel-2-l1c","dataFilter": {"timeRange": {"from": "2020-12-01T00:00:00Z","to": "2020-12-06T23:59:59Z"}}}]},"output": {"responses": [{"identifier": "default","format": {"type": "image/tiff"}},{"identifier": "userdata","format": {"type": "application/json"}}]},"evalscript": evalscript}headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json','Accept': 'application/x-tar'}response ="{url}/api/v1/process", headers=headers, json = request)tar = = json.load(tar.extractfile(tar.getmember('userdata.json')))userdata
{'tiles': [{'date': '2020-12-06T10:08:08Z','shId': 15161628,'cloudCoverage': 100,'__idx': 0,'dataPath': 's3://sentinel-s2-l1c/tiles/33/T/UL/2020/12/6/0'},{'date': '2020-12-06T10:08:05Z','shId': 15161463,'cloudCoverage': 98.26,'__idx': 1,'dataPath': 's3://sentinel-s2-l1c/tiles/33/T/VL/2020/12/6/0'},{'date': '2020-12-04T10:18:05Z','shId': 15142759,'cloudCoverage': 99.93,'__idx': 2,'dataPath': 's3://sentinel-s2-l1c/tiles/33/T/UL/2020/12/4/0'},{'date': '2020-12-04T10:17:56Z','shId': 15142728,'cloudCoverage': 98.5,'__idx': 3,'dataPath': 's3://sentinel-s2-l1c/tiles/33/T/VL/2020/12/4/0'},{'date': '2020-12-01T10:08:10Z','shId': 15117250,'cloudCoverage': 22.85,'__idx': 4,'dataPath': 's3://sentinel-s2-l1c/tiles/33/T/UL/2020/12/1/0'},{'date': '2020-12-01T10:08:06Z','shId': 15117286,'cloudCoverage': 46.81,'__idx': 5,'dataPath': 's3://sentinel-s2-l1c/tiles/33/T/VL/2020/12/1/0'}],'maxValueB02': 0.8795000000000001}
Output metadata into userdata.json file
In this example, we write several pieces of information to the userdata.json file:
- A version of the software with which the data was processed. We take this information from
. - Dates when the data used for processing was acquired. We take this information from
. - Values set by user and used for processing, such as thresholds (e.g.
) and array of values (e.g.notAllowedDates
). - Dates of all tiles available before we filtered out those acquired on dates given in
array. These dates are listed intilesPPSDates
property of userData. Note how we used a global variabletilesPPS
: we assigned it a value inpreProcessScenes
and output it inupdateOutputMetadata
function. - Dates of all tiles available after the filtering. These dates are listed in
property of userData. - Description of the processing implemented in the evalscript and links to external resources.
url = ''evalscript = """//VERSION=3function setup() {return {input: ["B08", "B04", "dataMask"],mosaicking: Mosaicking.TILE,output: {id: "default",bands: 1}}}// User's inputsvar notAllowedDates = ["2020-12-06", "2020-12-09"]var ndviThreshold = 0.2var tilesPPS = []function preProcessScenes(collections) {tilesPPS = collections.scenes.tilescollections.scenes.tiles = collections.scenes.tiles.filter(function(tile) {var tileDate ="T")[0];return !notAllowedDates.includes(tileDate);})return collections}function evaluatePixel(samples, scenes, inputMetadata, customData, outputMetadata) {var valid_ndvi_sum = 0var numberOfValidSamples = 0for (i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) {var sample = samples[i]if (sample.dataMask == 1){var ndvi = (sample.B08 - sample.B04)/(sample.B08 + sample.B04)if (ndvi <= ndviThreshold){valid_ndvi_sum += ndvinumberOfValidSamples += 1}}}return [valid_ndvi_sum / numberOfValidSamples]}function updateOutputMetadata(scenes, inputMetadata, outputMetadata) {outputMetadata.userData = {"inputMetadata.serviceVersion": inputMetadata.serviceVersion}outputMetadata.userData.description = "The evalscript calculates average ndvi " +"in a requested time period. Data collected on notAllowedDates is excluded. " +"ndvi values greater than ndviThreshold are excluded. " +"More about ndvi:"// Extract dates for all available tiles (before filtering)var tilePPSDates = []for (i = 0; i < tilesPPS.length; i++){tilePPSDates.push(tilesPPS[i].date)}outputMetadata.userData.tilesPPSDates = tilePPSDates// Extract dates for tiles after filtering out tiles with "notAllowedDates"var tileDates = []for (i = 0; i < scenes.tiles.length; i++){tileDates.push(scenes.tiles[i].date)}outputMetadata.userData.tilesDates = tileDatesoutputMetadata.userData.notAllowedDates = notAllowedDatesoutputMetadata.userData.ndviThreshold = ndviThreshold}"""request = {"input": {"bounds": {"bbox": [13.8, 45.8, 13.9, 45.9]},"data": [{"type": "sentinel-2-l1c","dataFilter": {"timeRange": {"from": "2020-12-01T00:00:00Z","to": "2020-12-15T23:59:59Z"}}}]},"output": {"responses": [{"identifier": "default","format": {"type": "image/tiff"}},{"identifier": "userdata","format": {"type": "application/json"}}]},"evalscript": evalscript}headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json','Accept': 'application/x-tar'}response ="{url}/api/v1/process", headers=headers, json = request)tar = = json.load(tar.extractfile(tar.getmember('userdata.json')))userdata
{'notAllowedDates': ['2020-12-06', '2020-12-09'],'tilesDates': ['2020-12-11T10:08:07Z','2020-12-11T10:08:03Z','2020-12-04T10:18:05Z','2020-12-04T10:17:56Z','2020-12-01T10:08:10Z','2020-12-01T10:08:06Z'],'inputMetadata.serviceVersion': '4.263.0','description': 'The evalscript calculates average ndvi in a requested time period. Data collected on notAllowedDates is excluded. ndvi values greater than ndviThreshold are excluded. More about ndvi: ','tilesPPSDates': ['2020-12-11T10:08:07Z','2020-12-11T10:08:03Z','2020-12-09T10:18:04Z','2020-12-09T10:17:56Z','2020-12-06T10:08:08Z','2020-12-06T10:08:05Z','2020-12-04T10:18:05Z','2020-12-04T10:17:56Z','2020-12-01T10:08:10Z','2020-12-01T10:08:06Z'],'ndviThreshold': 0.2}