Land Surface Temperature


About Land Surface Temperature

Land Surface Temperature provides twice-daily measurements of land surface temperature with high spatial resolution and consistency. LST data eliminates the need for maintaining large networks of physical sensors, reduces the impact of cloud cover on measurements, and enables a more accurate reflection of ground conditions across large areas.

Discover samples of Land Surface Temperature, free to all active Planet users and Sentinel Hub users with a paid subscription: Sandbox Data for Land Surface Temperature.

Basic facts

Spatial resolution100 m, 1000 m
Sensor100 m (AMSR-2, Sentinel 2), 1000 m (AMSR-E (June 2002 - October 2011), AMSR-2 (July 2012 - Present))
Revisit timeAbove 50 degrees latitude: 2 obs. daily at 01:30 and 13:30. At the equator: at least ±180 obs. at 01:30 and ±180 obs. at 13:30 observations annually.
Spatial coverageGlobal
Data availability100 m (July, 1st 2017 - Present)1000 m (June, 15th 2002 - October 4th 2011 (AMSRE) July, 25th 2012 - Present (AMSR2))
Available measurementsLand surface temperature
Common usage/purposeEnhancing weather models with consistent temperature measurements, urban heat stress monitoring, input for evaporation models to monitor crop stress, monitoring drought conditions, crop yield prediction

Planet documentation for Land Surface Temperature:

Planet Product Specification for Land Surface Temperature:

Subscribing to Land Surface Temperature

To subscribe to Land Surface Temperature, use the TPDI subscriptions endpoint or EO-Browser's Commercial Data tab with the following type and id values:

land_surface_temperatureLST-AMSR2_V1.0_100Land Surface Temperature data derived from the AMSR2 instrument, version 1.0, with a spatial resolution of 100 meters. The available archive period is from July 1, 2017 to present.
land_surface_temperatureLST-AMSRE_V1.0_1000Land Surface Temperature data derived from the AMSR-E instrument, version 1.0, with a spatial resolution of 1 kilometer. The available archive period is from June 15, 2002 to October 04, 2011.
land_surface_temperatureLST-AMSR2_V1.0_1000Land Surface Temperature data derived from the AMSR2 instrument, version 1.0, with a spatial resolution of 1 kilometer. The available archive period is from July 25, 2012 to present.

Available Bands

Band NameDescriptionPhysical UnitSource FormatTypical RangeNo Data Value
LSTLand Surface Temperature, available at 01:30 solar local time and 13:30 solar local time.KelvinUINT16263 - 34065535
LST_MaskedPixelsLand Surface Temperature pixels masked by one or more critical flags from the QF band, available at 1.30 solar local time and 13.30 solar local timeKelvinUINT16250 - 36065535
QFQuality flags, available at 1.30 solar local time and 13.30 solar local time.NAUINT16Unitless (Full description in Land Surface Temperature technical documentation.)0

Note: All Planetary variable bands are part of BYOC collections. Therefore, their SH units are DN and the column is not present in the table.


Subscribing to and visualizing Land Surface Temperature is similar to Soil Water Content, illustrated by this example.