Examples of Statistical API

The requests below are written in Python. To execute them you need to create an OAuth client as is explained here. It is named oauth in these examples. Jupyter notebook with all examples can be downloaded here.

Statistics for one single-band output on a given day

evalscript = """
function setup() {
return {
input: [{
bands: [
output: [
id: "output_B04",
bands: 1,
sampleType: "FLOAT32"
id: "dataMask",
bands: 1
function evaluatePixel(samples) {
return {
output_B04: [samples.B04],
dataMask: [samples.dataMask]
stats_request = {
"input": {
"bounds": {
"bbox": [414315, 4958219, 414859, 4958819],
"properties": {
"crs": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/32633"
"data": [
"type": "sentinel-2-l2a",
"dataFilter": {
"mosaickingOrder": "leastRecent"
"aggregation": {
"timeRange": {
"from": "2020-07-04T00:00:00Z",
"to": "2020-07-05T00:00:00Z"
"aggregationInterval": {
"of": "P1D"
"evalscript": evalscript,
"resx": 10,
"resy": 10
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
url = "https://services.sentinel-hub.com/api/v1/statistics"
response = oauth.request("POST", url=url , headers=headers, json=stats_request)
sh_statistics = response.json()
{'data': [{'interval': {'from': '2020-07-04T00:00:00Z',
'to': '2020-07-05T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'output_B04': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.07970000058412552,
'max': 0.30959999561309814,
'mean': 0.11471141986778864,
'stDev': 0.034298170449733226,
'sampleCount': 3240,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}}],
'status': 'OK'}

Statistics, histogram and percentiles for one single-band output

evalscript = """
function setup() {
return {
input: [{
bands: [
output: [
id: "output_B04",
bands: 1,
sampleType: "FLOAT32"
id: "dataMask",
bands: 1
function evaluatePixel(samples) {
return {
output_B04: [samples.B04],
dataMask: [samples.dataMask]
stats_request = {
"input": {
"bounds": {
"bbox": [414315, 4958219, 414859, 4958819],
"properties": {
"crs": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/32633"
"data": [
"type": "sentinel-2-l2a",
"dataFilter": {
"mosaickingOrder": "leastRecent"
"aggregation": {
"timeRange": {
"from": "2020-07-04T00:00:00Z",
"to": "2020-07-05T00:00:00Z"
"aggregationInterval": {
"of": "P1D"
"evalscript": evalscript,
"resx": 10,
"resy": 10
"calculations": {
"default": {
"histograms": {
"default": {
"nBins": 5,
"lowEdge": 0.0,
"highEdge": 0.3
"statistics": {
"default": {
"percentiles": {
"k": [ 33, 50, 75, 90 ]
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
url = "https://services.sentinel-hub.com/api/v1/statistics"
response = oauth.request("POST", url=url , headers=headers, json=stats_request)
sh_statistics = response.json()
{'data': [{'interval': {'from': '2020-07-04T00:00:00Z',
'to': '2020-07-05T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'output_B04': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.07970000058412552,
'max': 0.30959999561309814,
'mean': 0.11471141986778864,
'stDev': 0.034298170449733226,
'sampleCount': 3240,
'noDataCount': 0,
'percentiles': {'33.0': 0.09709999710321426,
'50.0': 0.10360000282526016,
'75.0': 0.11940000206232071,
'90.0': 0.16040000319480896}},
'histogram': {'bins': [{'lowEdge': 0.0, 'highEdge': 0.06, 'count': 0},
{'lowEdge': 0.06, 'highEdge': 0.12, 'count': 2458},
{'lowEdge': 0.12, 'highEdge': 0.18, 'count': 558},
{'lowEdge': 0.18, 'highEdge': 0.24, 'count': 177},
{'lowEdge': 0.24, 'highEdge': 0.3, 'count': 44}],
'overflowCount': 3,
'underflowCount': 0}}}}}}],
'status': 'OK'}

Statistics for one single-band output for two months with 10 days aggregation period

evalscript = """
function setup() {
return {
input: [{
bands: [
output: [
id: "output_B04",
bands: 1,
sampleType: "FLOAT32"
id: "dataMask",
bands: 1
function evaluatePixel(samples) {
return {
output_B04: [samples.B04],
dataMask: [samples.dataMask]
stats_request = {
"input": {
"bounds": {
"bbox": [414315, 4958219, 414859, 4958819],
"properties": {
"crs": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/32633"
"data": [
"type": "sentinel-2-l2a",
"dataFilter": {
"mosaickingOrder": "leastRecent"
"aggregation": {
"timeRange": {
"from": "2020-06-01T00:00:00Z",
"to": "2020-07-31T00:00:00Z"
"aggregationInterval": {
"of": "P10D"
"evalscript": evalscript,
"resx": 10,
"resy": 10
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
url = "https://services.sentinel-hub.com/api/v1/statistics"
response = oauth.request("POST", url=url , headers=headers, json=stats_request)
sh_statistics = response.json()
{'data': [{'interval': {'from': '2020-06-01T00:00:00Z',
'to': '2020-06-11T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'output_B04': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.7892000079154968,
'max': 0.8303999900817871,
'mean': 0.804223583473102,
'stDev': 0.0067066009561434865,
'sampleCount': 3240,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-06-11T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-06-21T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'output_B04': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.016300000250339508,
'max': 0.5956000089645386,
'mean': 0.06240126554233315,
'stDev': 0.06266500670629409,
'sampleCount': 3240,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-06-21T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-07-01T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'output_B04': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.026000000536441803,
'max': 0.43799999356269836,
'mean': 0.06872379640174772,
'stDev': 0.056520330692016944,
'sampleCount': 3240,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-07-01T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-07-11T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'output_B04': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.07970000058412552,
'max': 0.30959999561309814,
'mean': 0.11471141986778864,
'stDev': 0.034298170449733226,
'sampleCount': 3240,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-07-11T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-07-21T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'output_B04': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.017400000244379044,
'max': 0.4187999963760376,
'mean': 0.062194598779473156,
'stDev': 0.06317700445712106,
'sampleCount': 3240,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-07-21T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-07-31T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'output_B04': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.13920000195503235,
'max': 0.4927999973297119,
'mean': 0.3146395680115182,
'stDev': 0.054700527707146035,
'sampleCount': 3240,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}}],
'status': 'OK'}

Percentage of cloudy pixels for selected area of interest

evalscript = """
function setup() {
return {
input: [{
bands: [
output: [
id: "data",
bands: 1
id: "dataMask",
bands: 1
function evaluatePixel(samples) {
return {
data: [samples.CLM],
dataMask: [samples.dataMask]
stats_request = {
"input": {
"bounds": {
"bbox": [
"properties": {
"crs": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/32633"
"data": [
"type": "sentinel-2-l2a",
"dataFilter": {
"mosaickingOrder": "leastRecent"
"aggregation": {
"timeRange": {
"from": "2020-11-01T00:00:00Z",
"to": "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z"
"aggregationInterval": {
"of": "P1D"
"evalscript": evalscript,
"resx": 10,
"resy": 10
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
url = "https://services.sentinel-hub.com/api/v1/statistics"
response = oauth.request("POST", url=url, headers=headers, json=stats_request)
sh_statistics = response.json()
{'data': [{'interval': {'from': '2020-11-01T00:00:00Z',
'to': '2020-11-02T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 1.0,
'max': 1.0,
'mean': 1.0,
'stDev': 0.0,
'sampleCount': 25392,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-11-06T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-11-07T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.0,
'max': 0.0,
'mean': 0.0,
'stDev': 0.0,
'sampleCount': 25392,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-11-11T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-11-12T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.0,
'max': 0.0,
'mean': 0.0,
'stDev': 0.0,
'sampleCount': 25392,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-11-21T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-11-22T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.0,
'max': 0.0,
'mean': 0.0,
'stDev': 0.0,
'sampleCount': 25392,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-11-26T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-11-27T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.0,
'max': 1.0,
'mean': 0.31253938248267044,
'stDev': 0.46352833449533853,
'sampleCount': 25392,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-12-01T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-12-02T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.0,
'max': 1.0,
'mean': 0.2800882167611853,
'stDev': 0.44904210002261963,
'sampleCount': 25392,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-12-06T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-12-07T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 1.0,
'max': 1.0,
'mean': 1.0,
'stDev': 0.0,
'sampleCount': 25392,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-12-11T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-12-12T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.0,
'max': 1.0,
'mean': 0.9844439193446739,
'stDev': 0.12375010711094206,
'sampleCount': 25392,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-12-16T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-12-17T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 1.0,
'max': 1.0,
'mean': 1.0,
'stDev': 0.0,
'sampleCount': 25392,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-12-21T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-12-22T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 1.0,
'max': 1.0,
'mean': 1.0,
'stDev': 0.0,
'sampleCount': 25392,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-12-26T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-12-27T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.0,
'max': 1.0,
'mean': 0.1512287334593577,
'stDev': 0.35827168969322143,
'sampleCount': 25392,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}}],
'status': 'OK'}
dates_without_clouds = [(data["interval"], int(100 * data["outputs"]["data"]['bands']['B0']['stats']['mean']) ) for data in sh_statistics["data"]]
for item in dates_without_clouds:
print( item )
({'from': '2020-11-01T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-11-02T00:00:00Z'}, 100)
({'from': '2020-11-06T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-11-07T00:00:00Z'}, 0)
({'from': '2020-11-11T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-11-12T00:00:00Z'}, 0)
({'from': '2020-11-21T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-11-22T00:00:00Z'}, 0)
({'from': '2020-11-26T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-11-27T00:00:00Z'}, 31)
({'from': '2020-12-01T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-12-02T00:00:00Z'}, 28)
({'from': '2020-12-06T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-12-07T00:00:00Z'}, 100)
({'from': '2020-12-11T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-12-12T00:00:00Z'}, 98)
({'from': '2020-12-16T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-12-17T00:00:00Z'}, 100)
({'from': '2020-12-21T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-12-22T00:00:00Z'}, 100)
({'from': '2020-12-26T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-12-27T00:00:00Z'}, 15)

Basic statistics of NDVI with water pixels excluded (custom output dataMask)

evalscript = """
function setup() {
return {
input: [{
bands: [
output: [
id: "data",
bands: 1
id: "dataMask",
bands: 1
function evaluatePixel(samples) {
let ndvi = (samples.B08 - samples.B04)/(samples.B08 + samples.B04)
var validNDVIMask = 1
if (samples.B08 + samples.B04 == 0 ){
validNDVIMask = 0
var noWaterMask = 1
if (samples.SCL == 6 ){
noWaterMask = 0
return {
data: [ndvi],
// Exclude nodata pixels, pixels where ndvi is not defined and water pixels from statistics:
dataMask: [samples.dataMask * validNDVIMask * noWaterMask]
stats_request = {
"input": {
"bounds": {
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"crs": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/32633"
"data": [
"type": "sentinel-2-l2a",
"dataFilter": {
"mosaickingOrder": "leastCC"
"aggregation": {
"timeRange": {
"from": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"to": "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z"
"aggregationInterval": {
"of": "P30D"
"evalscript": evalscript,
"resx": 10,
"resy": 10
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
url = "https://services.sentinel-hub.com/api/v1/statistics"
response = oauth.request("POST", url=url, headers=headers, json=stats_request)
sh_statistics = response.json()
{'data': [{'interval': {'from': '2020-01-01T00:00:00Z',
'to': '2020-01-31T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.24306687712669373,
'max': 0.6244725584983826,
'mean': 0.4123224201824293,
'stDev': 0.055874589607421886,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-01-31T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-03-01T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.2451941967010498,
'max': 0.4233206510543823,
'mean': 0.3160828609431641,
'stDev': 0.0280772593636271,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-03-01T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-03-31T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.4236144721508026,
'max': 0.8021259307861328,
'mean': 0.5844831434836089,
'stDev': 0.05766820795482124,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-03-31T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-04-30T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.4647541046142578,
'max': 0.8266128897666931,
'mean': 0.6615912824901472,
'stDev': 0.05539347152437238,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-04-30T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-05-30T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.1761743128299713,
'max': 0.870899498462677,
'mean': 0.6880682412526884,
'stDev': 0.18833356676740057,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-05-30T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-06-29T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.6883189082145691,
'max': 0.8775584697723389,
'mean': 0.8230951517303176,
'stDev': 0.026851310273968688,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-06-29T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-07-29T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.8124191164970398,
'max': 0.9270430207252502,
'mean': 0.8977047195274247,
'stDev': 0.01321883825220214,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-07-29T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-08-28T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.750795304775238,
'max': 0.8925060033798218,
'mean': 0.8437445996058478,
'stDev': 0.017705930134783242,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-08-28T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-09-27T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.7094070315361023,
'max': 0.8823529481887817,
'mean': 0.8138526516467535,
'stDev': 0.020639924263070358,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-09-27T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-10-27T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.6416097283363342,
'max': 0.8256189227104187,
'mean': 0.7368144742384923,
'stDev': 0.02884084473079313,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-10-27T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-11-26T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.5131579041481018,
'max': 0.9108409285545349,
'mean': 0.6912739742345253,
'stDev': 0.06273793790576106,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-11-26T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-12-26T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': -0.01446416787803173,
'max': 0.015364916995167732,
'mean': 0.0018048733875211391,
'stDev': 0.004322122712106793,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}}],
'status': 'OK'}

Statistics of maximum monthly NDVI for a parcel in 2020

evalscript = """
function setup() {
return {
input: [{
bands: [
mosaicking: "ORBIT",
output: [
id: "data",
bands: ["monthly_max_ndvi"]
id: "dataMask",
bands: 1
function evaluatePixel(samples) {
var max = 0;
var hasData = 0;
for (var i=0;i<samples.length;i++) {
if (samples[i].dataMask == 1 && samples[i].SCL != 6 && samples[i].B04+samples[i].B08 != 0 ){
hasData = 1
var ndvi = (samples[i].B08 - samples[i].B04)/(samples[i].B08 + samples[i].B04);
max = ndvi > max ? ndvi:max;
return {
data: [max],
dataMask: [hasData]
stats_request = {
"input": {
"bounds": {
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"crs": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/32633"
"data": [
"type": "sentinel-2-l2a",
"dataFilter": {
"mosaickingOrder": "leastCC"
"aggregation": {
"timeRange": {
"from": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"to": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"aggregationInterval": {
"of": "P1M"
"evalscript": evalscript,
"resx": 10,
"resy": 10
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
url = "https://services.sentinel-hub.com/api/v1/statistics"
response = oauth.request("POST", url=url, headers=headers, json=stats_request)
sh_statistics = response.json()
{'data': [{'interval': {'from': '2020-01-01T00:00:00Z',
'to': '2020-02-01T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'monthly_max_ndvi': {'stats': {'min': 0.4755639135837555,
'max': 0.881286084651947,
'mean': 0.6396090604381046,
'stDev': 0.06844923487502963,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-02-01T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-03-01T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'monthly_max_ndvi': {'stats': {'min': 0.3580246865749359,
'max': 0.8721038103103638,
'mean': 0.5956351390500386,
'stDev': 0.07367438999713516,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-03-01T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-04-01T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'monthly_max_ndvi': {'stats': {'min': 0.4486735761165619,
'max': 0.8021259307861328,
'mean': 0.5871563556072766,
'stDev': 0.057052289003643133,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-04-01T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-05-01T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'monthly_max_ndvi': {'stats': {'min': 0.7103235721588135,
'max': 0.9151291251182556,
'mean': 0.8202670164519443,
'stDev': 0.029936259510749567,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-05-01T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-06-01T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'monthly_max_ndvi': {'stats': {'min': 0.7955418825149536,
'max': 0.9187881350517273,
'mean': 0.8889340774162204,
'stDev': 0.013139359632348635,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-06-01T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-07-01T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'monthly_max_ndvi': {'stats': {'min': 0.6883189082145691,
'max': 0.8775584697723389,
'mean': 0.8258738168990016,
'stDev': 0.025802682912912194,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-07-01T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-08-01T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'monthly_max_ndvi': {'stats': {'min': 0.8329545259475708,
'max': 0.9370484948158264,
'mean': 0.9037947789513383,
'stDev': 0.01278601507445675,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-08-01T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-09-01T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'monthly_max_ndvi': {'stats': {'min': 0.750795304775238,
'max': 0.8925060033798218,
'mean': 0.843880225772972,
'stDev': 0.017580399946741675,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-09-01T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-10-01T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'monthly_max_ndvi': {'stats': {'min': 0.7121148109436035,
'max': 0.8823529481887817,
'mean': 0.8138710224835326,
'stDev': 0.02056652680651673,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-10-01T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-11-01T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'monthly_max_ndvi': {'stats': {'min': 0.6416097283363342,
'max': 0.8256189227104187,
'mean': 0.7368144742384923,
'stDev': 0.02884084473079313,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-11-01T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-12-01T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'monthly_max_ndvi': {'stats': {'min': 0.5424679517745972,
'max': 0.9108409285545349,
'mean': 0.7069293897671695,
'stDev': 0.05380689467103403,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-12-01T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'data': {'bands': {'monthly_max_ndvi': {'stats': {'min': 0.0683102235198021,
'max': 0.23551543056964874,
'mean': 0.1444664227123698,
'stDev': 0.027443079533455306,
'sampleCount': 3036,
'noDataCount': 1192}}}}}}],
'status': 'OK'}

Multiple outputs with different dataMasks, multi-band output with custom bands' names and different histogram types

evalscript = """
function setup() {
return {
input: [{
bands: [
output: [
id: "output_my_bands",
bands: ["only_band_B04", "only_band_B08"],
sampleType: "FLOAT32"
id: "output_my_indices",
bands: 1,
sampleType: "FLOAT32"
id: "output_scl",
bands: 1,
sampleType: "UINT8"
id: "dataMask",
bands: ["output_my_bands", "output_my_indices"]
function evaluatePixel(samples) {
let ndvi = (samples.B08 - samples.B04)/(samples.B08 + samples.B04)
var validNDVIMask = 1
if (samples.B08 + samples.B04 == 0 ){
validNDVIMask = 0
var noWaterMask = 1
if (samples.SCL == 6 ){
noWaterMask = 0
return {
output_my_bands: [samples.B04, samples.B08],
output_my_indices: [ndvi],
output_scl: [samples.SCL],
dataMask: [samples.dataMask, samples.dataMask * noWaterMask * validNDVIMask]
stats_request = {
"input": {
"bounds": {
"bbox": [414315, 4958219, 414859, 4958819],
"properties": {
"crs": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/32633"
"data": [
"type": "sentinel-2-l2a",
"dataFilter": {
"mosaickingOrder": "leastRecent"
"aggregation": {
"timeRange": {
"from": "2020-07-01T00:00:00Z",
"to": "2020-07-15T00:00:00Z"
"aggregationInterval": {
"of": "P5D"
"evalscript": evalscript,
"resx": 20,
"resy": 20
"calculations": {
"output_my_bands": {
"histograms": {
"only_band_B08": {
"nBins": 3,
"lowEdge": 0.0,
"highEdge": 0.3
"statistics": {
"only_band_B04": {
"percentiles": {
"k": [33, 66,100],
"output_scl": {
"histograms": {
"default": {
"bins": [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
"default": {
"histograms": {
"default": {
"binWidth": 0.05,
"lowEdge": 0.0
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
url = "https://services.sentinel-hub.com/api/v1/statistics"
response = oauth.request("POST", url=url , headers=headers, json=stats_request)
sh_statistics = response.json()
{'data': [{'interval': {'from': '2020-07-01T00:00:00Z',
'to': '2020-07-06T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'output_my_bands': {'bands': {'only_band_B04': {'stats': {'min': 0.0803999975323677,
'max': 0.2939999997615814,
'mean': 0.11451061716602186,
'stDev': 0.032769790113614555,
'sampleCount': 810,
'noDataCount': 0,
'percentiles': {'33.0': 0.09719999879598618,
'66.0': 0.11169999837875366,
'100.0': 0.2939999997615814}}},
'only_band_B08': {'stats': {'min': 0.0860000029206276,
'max': 0.34290000796318054,
'mean': 0.16518679009175594,
'stDev': 0.07128630441809644,
'sampleCount': 810,
'noDataCount': 0},
'histogram': {'bins': [{'lowEdge': 0.0,
'highEdge': 0.09999999999999999,
'count': 199},
{'lowEdge': 0.09999999999999999,
'highEdge': 0.19999999999999998,
'count': 270},
{'lowEdge': 0.19999999999999998, 'highEdge': 0.3, 'count': 332}],
'overflowCount': 9,
'underflowCount': 0}}}},
'output_scl': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 8.0,
'max': 10.0,
'mean': 9.75432098765432,
'stDev': 0.6555648554361158,
'sampleCount': 810,
'noDataCount': 0},
'histogram': {'bins': [{'lowEdge': 0, 'highEdge': 1, 'count': 0},
{'lowEdge': 1, 'highEdge': 2, 'count': 0},
{'lowEdge': 2, 'highEdge': 3, 'count': 0},
{'lowEdge': 3, 'highEdge': 4, 'count': 0},
{'lowEdge': 4, 'highEdge': 5, 'count': 0},
{'lowEdge': 5, 'highEdge': 6, 'count': 0},
{'lowEdge': 6, 'highEdge': 7, 'count': 0},
{'lowEdge': 7, 'highEdge': 8, 'count': 0},
{'lowEdge': 8, 'highEdge': 9, 'count': 99},
{'lowEdge': 9, 'highEdge': 10, 'count': 1},
{'lowEdge': 10, 'highEdge': 11, 'count': 710}],
'overflowCount': 0,
'underflowCount': 0}}}},
'output_my_indices': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': -0.04050104320049286,
'max': 0.5338308215141296,
'mean': 0.14599402473584097,
'stDev': 0.15671216615792566,
'sampleCount': 810,
'noDataCount': 0},
'histogram': {'bins': [{'lowEdge': 0.0, 'highEdge': 0.05, 'count': 340},
{'lowEdge': 0.05, 'highEdge': 0.1, 'count': 71},
{'lowEdge': 0.1, 'highEdge': 0.15000000000000002, 'count': 50},
{'lowEdge': 0.15000000000000002, 'highEdge': 0.2, 'count': 26},
{'lowEdge': 0.2, 'highEdge': 0.25, 'count': 23},
{'lowEdge': 0.25, 'highEdge': 0.30000000000000004, 'count': 33},
{'lowEdge': 0.30000000000000004,
'highEdge': 0.35000000000000003,
'count': 64},
{'lowEdge': 0.35000000000000003, 'highEdge': 0.4, 'count': 81},
{'lowEdge': 0.4, 'highEdge': 0.45, 'count': 53},
{'lowEdge': 0.45, 'highEdge': 0.5, 'count': 6},
{'lowEdge': 0.5, 'highEdge': 0.55, 'count': 9}],
'overflowCount': 0,
'underflowCount': 54}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2020-07-06T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2020-07-11T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'output_my_bands': {'bands': {'only_band_B04': {'stats': {'min': 0.007499999832361937,
'max': 0.3788999915122986,
'mean': 0.05566148159990979,
'stDev': 0.060176196853468686,
'sampleCount': 810,
'noDataCount': 0,
'percentiles': {'33.0': 0.022700000554323196,
'66.0': 0.04439999908208847,
'100.0': 0.3788999915122986}}},
'only_band_B08': {'stats': {'min': 0.006500000134110451,
'max': 0.46369999647140503,
'mean': 0.12869839533864502,
'stDev': 0.1266643048401008,
'sampleCount': 810,
'noDataCount': 0},
'histogram': {'bins': [{'lowEdge': 0.0,
'highEdge': 0.09999999999999999,
'count': 450},
{'lowEdge': 0.09999999999999999,
'highEdge': 0.19999999999999998,
'count': 27},
{'lowEdge': 0.19999999999999998, 'highEdge': 0.3, 'count': 254}],
'overflowCount': 79,
'underflowCount': 0}}}},
'output_scl': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 2.0,
'max': 9.0,
'mean': 5.1716049382715985,
'stDev': 1.09834157450977,
'sampleCount': 810,
'noDataCount': 0},
'histogram': {'bins': [{'lowEdge': 0, 'highEdge': 1, 'count': 0},
{'lowEdge': 1, 'highEdge': 2, 'count': 0},
{'lowEdge': 2, 'highEdge': 3, 'count': 29},
{'lowEdge': 3, 'highEdge': 4, 'count': 0},
{'lowEdge': 4, 'highEdge': 5, 'count': 235},
{'lowEdge': 5, 'highEdge': 6, 'count': 103},
{'lowEdge': 6, 'highEdge': 7, 'count': 428},
{'lowEdge': 7, 'highEdge': 8, 'count': 13},
{'lowEdge': 8, 'highEdge': 9, 'count': 1},
{'lowEdge': 9, 'highEdge': 10, 'count': 1},
{'lowEdge': 10, 'highEdge': 11, 'count': 0}],
'overflowCount': 0,
'underflowCount': 0}}}},
'output_my_indices': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': -0.18976545333862305,
'max': 0.858506441116333,
'mean': 0.47965881587323095,
'stDev': 0.25189343011256504,
'sampleCount': 810,
'noDataCount': 428},
'histogram': {'bins': [{'lowEdge': 0.0, 'highEdge': 0.05, 'count': 3},
{'lowEdge': 0.05, 'highEdge': 0.1, 'count': 3},
{'lowEdge': 0.1, 'highEdge': 0.15000000000000002, 'count': 15},
{'lowEdge': 0.15000000000000002, 'highEdge': 0.2, 'count': 36},
{'lowEdge': 0.2, 'highEdge': 0.25, 'count': 28},
{'lowEdge': 0.25, 'highEdge': 0.30000000000000004, 'count': 20},
{'lowEdge': 0.30000000000000004,
'highEdge': 0.35000000000000003,
'count': 17},
{'lowEdge': 0.35000000000000003, 'highEdge': 0.4, 'count': 6},
{'lowEdge': 0.4, 'highEdge': 0.45, 'count': 9},
{'lowEdge': 0.45, 'highEdge': 0.5, 'count': 24},
{'lowEdge': 0.5, 'highEdge': 0.55, 'count': 22},
{'lowEdge': 0.55, 'highEdge': 0.6000000000000001, 'count': 18},
{'lowEdge': 0.6000000000000001, 'highEdge': 0.65, 'count': 32},
{'lowEdge': 0.65, 'highEdge': 0.7000000000000001, 'count': 46},
{'lowEdge': 0.7000000000000001, 'highEdge': 0.75, 'count': 37},
{'lowEdge': 0.75, 'highEdge': 0.8, 'count': 29},
{'lowEdge': 0.8, 'highEdge': 0.8500000000000001, 'count': 21},
{'lowEdge': 0.8500000000000001, 'highEdge': 0.9, 'count': 2}],
'overflowCount': 0,
'underflowCount': 14}}}}}}],
'status': 'OK'}

Statistics for Sentinel-1

evalscript = """
function setup() {
return {
input: [{
bands: [
output: [
id: "output_VV",
bands: 1,
sampleType: "FLOAT32"
id: "dataMask",
bands: 1
function evaluatePixel(samples) {
return {
output_VV: [samples.VV],
dataMask: [samples.dataMask]
stats_request = {
"input": {
"bounds": {
"bbox": [414315, 4958219, 414859, 4958819],
"properties": {
"crs": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/32633"
"data": [
"type": "sentinel-1-grd",
"dataFilter": {
"aggregation": {
"timeRange": {
"from": "2020-07-01T00:00:00Z",
"to": "2020-07-10T00:00:00Z"
"aggregationInterval": {
"of": "P5D"
"evalscript": evalscript,
"resx": 10,
"resy": 10
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
url = "https://services.sentinel-hub.com/api/v1/statistics"
response = oauth.request("POST", url=url , headers=headers, json=stats_request)
sh_statistics = response.json()
{'data': [{'interval': {'from': '2020-07-01T00:00:00Z',
'to': '2020-07-06T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'output_VV': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': 0.0,
'max': 0.4447733759880066,
'mean': 0.046840328479290934,
'stDev': 0.05487441687888816,
'sampleCount': 3240,
'noDataCount': 0}}}}}}],
'status': 'OK'}

Statistics of NDVI using Sentinel-2 L2A as the source of NDVI and Sentinel-1 GRD VV channel as the mask of water bodies

evalscript = """
function setup() {
return {
input: [
// Specify input bands using the "id" of datasource set in the payload under data parameter
{datasource: "s2", bands: ["B04", "B08", "dataMask"]},
{datasource: "s1", bands: ["VV", "dataMask"]}
output: [
id: "ndvi",
bands: 1
id: "dataMask",
bands: 1
mosaicking: "SIMPLE"
function evaluatePixel(samples) {
let ndvi = (samples.s2[0].B08 - samples.s2[0].B04) / (samples.s2[0].B08+samples.s2[0].B04);
// Create a mask for invalid ndvi value
let validNDVIMask = 1;
if (!isFinite(ndvi)) {
validNDVIMask = 0;
// Create a mask for water
// The threshold comes from the result of exploring river flooding during the winter of 2020/21 on the River Severn in the United Kingdom
// (https://medium.com/euro-data-cube/exploring-time-and-space-a-guide-to-accessing-analysing-and-visualising-data-in-the-euro-data-e4a46f2bb55b)
let noWaterMask = 1;
if (toDB(samples.s1[0].VV) <= -20) {
noWaterMask = 0;
return {
ndvi: [ndvi],
// Combine all the masks
dataMask: [samples.s2[0].dataMask * samples.s1[0].dataMask * validNDVIMask * noWaterMask]
function toDB(input){
return 10 * Math.log(input)/Math.LN10;
stats_request = {
"input": {
"bounds": {
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"data": [
"dataFilter": {},
"id": "s2",
"type": "sentinel-2-l2a"
"dataFilter": {
"resolution": "HIGH",
"acquisitionMode": "IW",
"polarization": "DV"
"processing": {
"backCoeff": "GAMMA0_TERRAIN",
"orthorectify": "true",
"demInstance": "MAPZEN",
"speckleFilter": {
"type": "LEE",
"windowSizeX": 5,
"windowSizeY": 5
"id": "s1",
"type": "sentinel-1-grd"
"aggregation": {
"timeRange": {
"from": "2021-08-08T00:00:00Z",
"to": "2021-08-11T23:59:59Z"
"aggregationInterval": {
"of": "P1D"
"resx": 0.00009,
"resy": 0.00009,
"evalscript": evalscript
"calculations": {
"default": {}
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
url = "https://services.sentinel-hub.com/api/v1/statistics"
response = oauth.request("POST", url=url, headers=headers, json=stats_request)
sh_statistics = response.json()
{'data': [{'interval': {'from': '2021-08-08T00:00:00Z',
'to': '2021-08-09T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'ndvi': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': -0.6206604838371277,
'max': 0.8291770815849304,
'mean': 0.22080027097811286,
'stDev': 0.22071344421516914,
'sampleCount': 647647,
'noDataCount': 144372}}}}}},
{'interval': {'from': '2021-08-10T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2021-08-11T00:00:00Z'},
'outputs': {'ndvi': {'bands': {'B0': {'stats': {'min': -0.6909090876579285,
'max': 0.8982226252555847,
'mean': 0.6302106131139007,
'stDev': 0.28749024291873476,
'sampleCount': 647647,
'noDataCount': 220350}}}}}}],
'status': 'OK'}