Output Formats
Output Image Formats
For the requests that provide image output, Sentinel-2 WMS/WMTS/WCS services can generate these output formats:
- image/png - lossless image format for 1 (grayscale) or 3 (RGB) components
- image/jpeg - lossy image format for 1 (grayscale) or 3 (RGB) components, without alpha channel. The quality can be controlled via the "QUALITY" URL parameter.
- image/tiff - lossless image format for any number of the components.
Find out more on how the values are reflected in the output.
Example requests for image formats:
To generate the output as jpeg, use the following example. Please replace <INSTANCE_ID>
with your own.
Output Vector Formats
For the requests that provide vector output, Sentinel-2 WMS/WMTS/WCS services can generate these output formats:
- application/x-esri-shape - zip containing shape files
- application/json - GeoJSON file
Both formats are returning polygons in vector format only in case when the image does not consists of more than 10 different values. Therefore, this formats only work with custom script layers.
Example requests for vector formats:
To generate the output as GeoJSON file, follow the example below. Replace <INSTANCE_ID>
with your own.
{"type": "FeatureCollection","features": [{"type": "Feature","properties": {"COLOR_HEX": "FFFFFF","ID": 0},"geometry": {"type": "MultiPolygon","crs": {"type": "name","properties": {"name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC::CRS84"}},"coordinates": [[[[16.225567302, 46.698948044],[16.225567302, 46.6989451],[16.225561399, 46.6989451],[16.225561399, 46.698942156],...]]]}},...]}
To generate the output as x-esri-shape, replace the FORMAT with application/x-esri-shape
, which will enable you to get
the zip containing shape files.